Tuesday, January 17, 2012

It's been a while...

I've been procrastinating on writing another blog post.  If you ask me why, I probably would not be able to tell you.  Between finals last semester and the ruckus of the holidays, it just wasn't my top priority.  But, I have been informed today by a very special friend that she missed seeing my blog posts... and that gave me a boost of energy.  Perhaps I should use this blog as a sort of expenditure of emotions and thoughts.  It would definitely help my New Year's Resolution to be LESS stressed this year!  Relaxation is key.

The holidays were very crazy, as always!  But they were definitely good.  I have found that as I grow older, the excitement of Christmas morning has faded... but I believe that it is a good thing rather than a bad thing.  Over the years, you realize that Christmas isn't about the presents; it isn't about "Santa" and all of the magic that he brings to Christmas.  It's not about all that at all (obviously it is for the children, but as I have none of my own... it isn't important at this time for me to be excited about it).  I have to say that Christmas day, for me, was a day of reflection.  I spent the day looking back on the entire year before; where I began, the trials and tribulations during the year, the climb back up to being "okay", and the level that I'm at now.  It's crazy how far you can come after being knocked down to your lowest point... but I have to say that I wouldn't have been able to do it without my Creator. 

I think the biggest lesson I've learned this past year is that God puts trials and tribulations, speed bumps, in our path... but it isn't to make our lives miserable.  They are tests, tools, lessons that He believes you must learn in order to keep traveling on His path for your life.  I'll admit that at first I didn't understand why so many bad things could happen to a good person... but when I started reading my bible and talking to friends who believed in the same way that I did, it all became so clear.  The path I had chosen was not the path that God wanted for me, and in doing so I caused myself to travel a harder, rockier path.  But it's okay... I believe Him when He says that if He brings you to it, He'll see you through it.  How true is that statement?  So true.

The biggest questions that keep being sent my way are "Are you doing okay?" and "Are you dating again?".  I am actually much happier than I was this past year... and I may actually be happier than I was with him.  Reason being that I am more confident in my strength and who I am as a person.  I am not defined by anyone, therefore I cannot be crushed by anyone again.  God defines me now, and that is how it should have been all along, to be honest.  I realize that now.  You know, maybe it was one of those... "come to Jesus meetings" that God placed in my path.  As terrible as it was, I've learned a lot, including what I do and do not want in a partner.

As to the second question... slowly but surely.  I've been talking to a few here and there, but mostly I weed out what I don't want.  I know it sounds cynical, but after being through what I have been through, it's much easier to stop something from happening in the beginning rather than being caught up into something that you don't need to be caught up in!  What people need to realize is that I've learned that patience, time, and healing needs to happen before I even consider moving into another relationship.  It's nothing that I absolutely need in my life.  I truly need to figure out who I am and who my Creator wants me to be before I bring someone else into my life (as in "serious relationship" wise).  Yes, I may go on dates, hang out or just be friends with men... but is that really any of your concern?  Haha!  It will happen in due time; rushing something is not going to solve anything.

Hmm... I think that is all for now.  I have to get ready for my translation class!  This class is rocking my world.  I absolutely love it.  I think it's because I actually have fun in the class and my professor is one of mis favoritas EVER!  Guess we'll see how the rest of the semester goes.

Hasta la próxima vez.



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