Wednesday, November 30, 2011

It's in the journey...

A friend of mine brought a song to my attention tonight that really made me think. 

Throughout this past year, I've wanted things to go back to the way they used to be... before my life seemed to crumble and fall apart right before my eyes.  If I had just done something differently, maybe it wouldn't have happened.  After I finally let that go and realized that there was absolutely nothing that I could have done about it... I started asking God to change my life.  To make it all better, to make it all go away so that I could be happy again.  I even became frustrated more than once because nothing I did seemed to make any difference.  Nothing seemed to help the healing process.

But, you know... this song really made me think.  I am a stone, my life is not perfect.  Although I have been hurt beyond belief and feel as if I'm damaged, I am a smooth stone in my God's hands.  As much as I hate that it is taking longer than I would like, time brings change and change takes time.  My heart will heal in due time, as will my life.  In the meantime, I just need to be patient and focus on God's love for me.  He has a plan for me... and I have always believed that.  This was a lesson in my life that I apparently needed to learn, and if that's so, then I should be grateful. Who knows?  Perhaps He has something far more wonderful planned just for me!

You never know why you go through certain things in life... whatever you've been through, God has a plan and a way for you.  You just need to believe in Him.  He never promised that the path would be easy, but He did promise that He would carry you through.


Lyrics provided by

Rolling River God -- Nichole Nordeman 

Rolling river God
Little stones are smooth
Only once the water passes through
So, I am a stone
Rough and grainy still
Trying to reconcile this river's chill
But when I close my eyes
And feel You rushing by
I know that time brings change
And change takes time
And when the sunset comes
My prayer would be this one
That You might pick me up
And notice that I am
Just a little smoother in Your hand
Sometimes raging wild
Sometimes swollen high
Never have I known this river dry
The deepest part of You
Is where I want to stay
And feel the sharpest edges wash away



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