Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Summer Goals

So... I have a list of goals that I have for summer 2012.  Let's see how these go.

Physical goals

  • Lose weight
  • Eat healthier
  • Tone up
  • Drink WATER 
  • Start running again
  • Feel better
  • Reset my sleep patterns
  • Go outside and play with Macy more
  • Keep working on my tannn
Mental goals
  • Quit thinking negatively
  • Discover more music
  • Be less neurotic
  • Crawl out of this hole called "depression" once and for all
  • Be the source of my own happiness
  • Spend more time with my family and friends
  • Read the books I bought for the summer
  • Do more crafts/cook more things found on Pinterest
  • Don't worry about guys; when I'm ready, I'll know it
Financial/Educational goals
  • Get my 31 business up and running again
  • Decide which classes to drop for the fall semester
  • Look into paid internships in España, Argentina, etc. for the spring semester
  • Look for another job for the fall semester
  • Take the GRE, apply to grad schools
  • Decide what I really want to get my Master's in: Translation, Professorship in Hispanic Studies, or Bilingual Social Work

But for the most part... start living the life that I know I deserve.  No one can cheat you out of your own happiness but yourself.  People come in and out of your life, but the ones who are actually worth it won't leave.  

Seems like a pretty long list.  Looks like my summer is booked. (:  Plus beach trips... cause I can't live without the beach. 



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